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FREE for Homeowners: Don’t buy a water filtration system for your home until you get The Definitive Guide to Selecting the Right System for YOUR City for FREE!

"What's wrong with my water?"

Dear homeowner,

There’s an old tv commercial that said, “an educated customer is their best customer.” I believe that to be true. And I think it’s the way for our company to earn your business and your recommendation to your friends and family.

For most people, this will be their first time buying a water filtration system for their home.

So…for most people, you’re not an expert and you don’t know what to look for.

Every city is different.

Every homeowner has different needs and wants.

Everyone has a different budget.

And not every homeowner is going to stay in their home for the rest of their lives.

So instead of you just buying the “same” system as someone else does from a totally different part of the country...

we’re going to put in the time to prepare a guide that’s customized for YOU. Something no other company would ever dare do because of the amount of time & effort that goes into it.

Clear, healthy water... get the best solution for your family!

The best tasting water you will ever have?

This is easily a $300 value – yours free.

Clear, healthy water... get the best solution for your family!

We’re going to do the homework for you.

We’re going to call your local water department. Find out what they use to treat their water. We’re going to then investigate to see what violations, if any, have been filed against your water department. We’re going to pull copies of research reports to find out if there’s been any contaminants over government guidelines. We’re going to find out what you’re looking for in a water filtration system.

This is not one size fits all.

It’s a custom system for you, your city and your wants. Because buying a system for a home in Florida is definitely different than one for New York. Different water sources, different treatment, different contaminants. You understand how important this is? Of course.

And hopefully after we’ve done the homework, done the design work and put together a customized guide, you’ll choose us. But if you don’t, that’s ok. The worst thing you can do is buy a system without getting the facts and not getting something that is going to fix the problems.

The best tasting water you will ever have?

There is NO cost or obligation for this. It’s our way of earning your trust and hopefully your business. Take a minute to answer a few questions and we will start preparing your customized guide!

What Does This “Sex & The City” Star Do To Get Softer Skin - And Look His Best on TV?

Ask Blair Underwood - movie & TV star. Millions of people know him from his work in “Sex & The City”, “L.A. Law”, NBC’s new show “Ironside”, and countless other projects. He says:

"We are so pleased with our Krystal Klear whole-house water filtration system! Prior to having it installed, our skin would be so dry after showering in the hard, chemical-ridden Los Angeles water, we would have to go through so many bottles of skin lotion to replenish the moisture lost. Some family members would even itch after five minutes in the bath or shower! After Krystal Klear, bathing and showering are more pleasurable experiences, and we use half the soap and moisturizer we needed before. The same is true with detergent for our laundry and dishwasher!

We are also enjoying the filtered drinking water. It is clear, refreshing, and tastes better than bottled. We feel good about filling our reusable bottles with it, rather than continually buying bottled water. All in all, we couldn't be happier about our new Krystal Klear system and are very happy we made the decision to install it in our household."

-Blair Underwood

There is no such thing as a silly water quality question!
Our friendly water treatment specialists are here to help!

Call 888 408 1808

Monday-Friday: 8:00AM - 9:00PM EST
Saturday 8:00AM - 8:00PM EST

8828 Main St, Williamsville, NY 14221


Krystal Klear Water

8828 Main St

Williamsville, NY 14221


When In New York:

(716) 333-7114

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